Thursday, June 28, 2012

Project Vision: A Documentary Magazine for Photographers and Writers

Project Vision, also known as Project V.,  is a documentary magazine for photographers and writers that want to be published and grow as an artist. It is an idea that I came up with as I entered the Entertainment Business Master’s Program (EBMS) at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. The program guides students in the business practices of the entertainment industry and prepares them in how to create, develop and present a professional business plan.
The business that I have developed over the past year is Project V. The V. is for Vision. The slogan for the company is Inspire Vision. The idea is to build a community of artists that inspire one another to create their work at a higher standard and to have each other, and the staff at Project V., for professional feedback. It helps teach photographers how to become a better photographer and writers how to become better writers. 
With tools like Adobe Illustrator, the turn.js JQuery plug-in, Rockethub and an array of Apple products I now have the foundation for an online magazine like no other. The Issuu platform will prove to be a pivotal part of the Project V. success.

Over the next three months I will be polishing the Project Vision business plan. I look to launch the Project V. website by the Fall of 2012.
Canon’s new 5D Mark III will be the camera of choice for the Project V. staff members. With a full frame censor and 22.3 mega-pixels, the photographers will have some of the best technology available at their fingertips. The camera won't tell us how to become a better photographer, but it will allow us to learn more about photography and hopefully help us teach others how to become a better photographer.
Figure 1 - Canon's new 5D Mark III (

Recently, I was asked if the EBMS program was worth it. I fell back on a lesson that I learned while at Dean College in Franklin, Massachusetts. “You get what you put into it.” The EBMS program at Full Sail University provides students and aspiring entrepreneurs with a solid foundation of entertainment business knowledge.

Please comment and let me know what you think of this idea. Tell me what you like about it and what you don't like about it. How can I improve upon what I have? This is the question that will constantly be asked at Project Vision.

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